Half-up “Butterfly Bun” with Hairslide

A very simple way to elevate your half-up hairdo and decorate it with a pretty pin.

To get this look, you will need a hair elastic and a hairpin, of course!

  1. Divide your hair and make a small loop bun with the top half.

  2. Split the loop of the bun in two.

  3. Open the flaps of the loop and hold them down so that the bun looks like an infinite sign or figure eight.

  4. Slide the hairpin into the infinite so that the tines go in at the first loop, through the base of the bun, and out the other side of the loop.

Creates an interesting look! Very fast and easy (as always).

I used the perle hairlside, but feel free to use any long-tined hairpin or hair stick you like!