Different hair lengths: same hair pin, same technique (Part I)

Long, short, curly, straight, thick, thin– it doesn’t matter! With this hairpin, one size fits all if you’ve got the technique (and patience to practice if you can’t get it right away!). What me do it with short hair and long hair using the same pin and the same technique!

Here’s the step-by-step procedure:

  1. Twist your hair– whatever you’ve got– into a bun.

  2. Flip the hairslide upside down with the curve away from your head.

  3. Stick the tines of the hairslide into the center of the bun. If you have a ton of hair, stick the tines closer to the top of the bun; if you have finer hair, stick the tines toward the base of the bun.

  4. As you slide the tines into the bun, flip the hairslide right-side up and push downward. The curve of the hairslide will cup your head.

Practice makes perfect! This technique will with any SKJ hairslide! Will you give it a try?

classic hairslide