Clean Tarnished Brass Jewelry Pieces FAST with Brasso

Brass, like all metals, will tarnish over time. Tarnish is natural-- it is caused by oxidation!

If you notice your brass piece is looking particularly dark, or maybe it has a few water stains (from using your hairpin in wet hair or storing your jewelry in the bathroom)-- never fear! Brasso will take the tarnish right off really quick!

Brasso is a cheap and widely available (check your local hardware store) chemical metal polish. It is stronger and more effective than the natural tarnish removers I recommend (vinegar, baking soda, and lemon). I recommend wearing gloves if you are sensitive to chemical cleaners. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after use.

To clean tarnish:

Shake Brasso.

Squirt a little bit on a cotton pad, rag, or paper towel.

Rub Brasso into brass piece, avoiding stones, and watch tarnish melt away! Will leave a greenish residue on your rag.

Rinse the piece in water and DRY THOROUGHLY (if you don’t dry the piece, it will tarnish quickly all over again).

BOOM! Like new.