Hot Girl Summer Curls with No Heat (and SKJ Hairslides)


It’s summer. It’s extremely hot.

I, for one, do not want to be using any heat on my hair right now.

But I still want voluminous bouncy curls to complete my summer lewk. So here’s my tutorial for hot girl summer curls without the heat (plus SKJ hairslides)!!

Heatless Curls with Hairslides.png

I split my fine, damp hair into three sections (If you have more or thicker hair, you may need more sections). I did this without a mirror or a comb, because I am loosey-goosey like that. I live on the edge. The only thing I did make sure to do was twist the hair in the two top buns away from my face (this is a thing I have heard about a lot when using heat: curl away from face). 

I secured the buns with hairpins-- two eureka pins and the leaf hairslide to be exact. The hairslides are great because they don’t cause those kinks you get with elastic hair binders!

I kept my hair in the buns while I worked in my miserably hot, dry studio for approximately three hours, allowing my damp hair to dry. When my hair was mostly dry (I could have waited longer for full dryness), I removed the pins, and violà! After some finger combing and a bit of scrunching, a pretty nice result! The curls did relax throughout the day, so if I had had some at the studio, I would have hit the curls with some dry shampoo and a bit of hairspray for hold. 

What do think, will you give these heatless curls it a try?

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